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Fully Pre-Installed Local SAP System to Practice

Special One-Time Offer for 99 € (Regularly 149 €)
> SAP System Ready-to-Practice Programming in ABAP
> Ready to Download and Run on your Local Machine within Minutes
> Fully Pre-Installed, Pre-Setup - No hassles with installation process
> Have all your developments under your control

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (€997.00)€997.00
  • Preferred option
    Special Offer (€997.00 after Delivery)€997.00

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ABAP Academy Diagnostics€0

„This is what I was looking for!
The Diagnostics is very helpful! I know my coding potential now.

The Code review was very great! I learned how to increase my coding skills and how to unlock my coding potential… I am fully in the process, to become a great ABAP-er…

Worth it!"
Christian Fotso

„This approach is the best way to realize if ABAP development is really something you want to invest your time in. 

Along with it, I gained fundamental ABAP coding skills fast, because learning in ABAP Academy is unique. 

I highly recommend it!“

Ladji Sidibe
South Africa

„ABAP Academy helped us to analyze our company ABAP team. We are now able to see into which people we are able to invest more and what other guys are better fit for different positions in our team. 

I was really surprised how this Diagnostics was even able to tell us even about specific characteristics of each and every developer, which ABAP Academy was not able to know before.

This Diagnostics is really a great way to realize if it is worth for people to invest their time and effort into ABAP programming!

Michal Ondik
  • Total payment
  • 1xABAP Academy Diagnostics€0

All prices in EUR


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